Cardamone Law University
Cardamone Law is all about helping injured workers find solutions to the workers’ compensation challenges in Pennsylvania. Therefore, we are happy to bring you Cardamone Law’s exciting new podcast – now ranked as a Top 10 in PA for Legal Podcasts (ranked #5) by FeedSpot.
Does My Doctor Support My Work Comp Case?
Listen to one of Pennsylvania's top lawyers for Injured Workers, Michael Cardamone of Cardamone Law, explain how an injured worker can find out if his or her doctor supported their case.
Info About the Heart and Lung Act in Pennsylvania
Attorney Cardamone speaks about the Pennsylvania Heart and Lung Act and how it differs from the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law.
How Does A Pennsylvania Work Comp Judge Decide a Case?
Pennsylvania Work Comp Super Lawyer Michael Cardamone discusses how a Work Comp Judge decides a case.
How Does a Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Add Value to My Case?
Attorney Michael Cardamone explains why injured workers cannot afford to NOT have representation in their Workers Comp case. With their earning power on the line, and the goal of Work Comp carriers...
When is an Injury in the Course of Employment in Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Work Comp Lawyer, Michael Cardamone, named to Best Lawyers of America 2025, discusses the tricky issue of when an injury is in the course of employment.
Why Settle a Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Case?
Michael W. Cardamone, owner of the well known boutique for Injured Workers, Cardamone Law, LLC, and named to the Best Lawyers of America, discusses WHY an injured worker may want to settle his or her Work Comp case.
Best Lawyers in America
Listen to one of the leading Pennsylvania Work Injury Lawyers, Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law, discuss the often catastrophic impacts of quitting your job if you're pursuing or on Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation benefits.
Summer 2024 Firm Update and 3 Tips
Listen to one of the leading Pennsylvania Work Injury Lawyers, Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law, discuss the often catastrophic impacts of quitting your job if you're pursuing or on Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation benefits.
If I Quit My Job While On Workers' Comp, Will That Ruin My Case?
Listen to one of the leading Pennsylvania Work Injury Lawyers, Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law, discuss the often catastrophic impacts of quitting your job if you're pursuing or on Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation benefits.
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation- Hearsay Objection
Listen to one of Pennsylvania's most experienced Work Comp Lawyers for injured workers, Michael W. Cardamone, explain how the hearsay objection works in a Pennsylvania Work Comp case. Show More
Certified Specialist In Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation as Authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
In this episode of Cardamone Law University, Attorney Michael Cardamone discusses his Certification as a Specialist in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law, what it means to the general public, and what it takes to obtain this prestigious designation, which only about 100 lawyers have across Pennsylvania, who represent injured workers.
What Does The Notice of Temporary Compensation Payable Mean In A Workers' Compensation Case?
If you're an injured worker in Pennsylvania who has received the notice of compensation payable in a workers' compensation case and you're unsure of what to do next, Michael Cardamone, Co-Chair of the Workers' Compensation Law section for injured workers in Montgomery County Bar Association, can provide you with a detailed explanation in this recent podcast at Cardamone Law University.
Cardamone Law Firm -2023 Winter Update With Firm News
We're taking a break here from the usual legal talk- and instead giving everyone a little update about the firm and what's been happening.
Testimony Tip for Pennsylvania Work Comp Litigation
Stamina and focus is key in giving good, credible, detailed testimony. Listen to one of Pennsylvania's top Work Comp Lawyers, Michael W. Cardamone, discuss this topic is this episode of Cardamone Law University
If My Intoxication Caused My Work Injury, Will I Be Denied Pennsylvania Work Comp Benefits?
Michael Cardamone's new podcast on workers' compensation query. Listen to top PA Work Injury Lawyer explain how the intoxication defense works under the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act.
Nurse Case Managers and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation - NO THANK YOU!
Listen to Workers' Compensation Attorney, Michael Cardamone of Cardamone Law, LLC, speak about Nurse Case Managers and why they are NOT helpful to your case. He explains why you should hire a workers compensation lawyer to represent you in your work comp case instead of relying on nurse case managers.
The Discovery Rule and Notice In Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Listen to this episode to learn about the Discovery Rule as it applies to giving 120 notice under the Pennsylvania Work Comp Act. This is very important information for injured workers- especially when they don't know immediately if their condition is work-related or not.
Don't Shake It Off! Report It!
Listen to experienced Pennsylvania Work Injury Lawyer, Michael W. Cardamone, discuss the importance of reporting a work injury, however seemingly minor, to avoid a Notice defense given the 120 day Notice Rule.
Health Insurance and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law
Can I lose my health insurance when I'm out of work from a work-related injury? Listen to Certified Work Comp Specialist, Michael W. Cardamone, owner of Cardamone Law, LLC, speak about this topic on this episode of Cardamone Law University.
How Does a Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Case Get Litigated?
In this episode from Cardamone Law University, Attorney Cardamone, a Certified PA Work Comp Specialist Lawyer, discusses what's entailed once you're in court for a Pennsylvania Work Comp case.
When Is The Best Time To Settle A Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Case?
In this episode of Cardamone Law University, listen to accomplished Work Comp Lawyer Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law, LLC, speak about Pennsylvania Work Comp Settlements- and specifically, when the best time is to settle a case.
Stipulations Under the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation in Plain English for Injured Workers. (Note: Cardamone Law University/CLU is a nickname for our law firm's podcast series- it is not a University or College/School. All podcasts are free to listen to and share) One of Pennsylvania's Top Work Comp Lawyers, Michael Cardamone of Cardamone Law, discusses Pennsylvania Work Comp in simple, easy to understand terms.
Burden of Proof in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law
Listen to Attorney Cardamone explain what the Burden of Proof means in a Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation case.
Concurrent Employment in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation in Plain English for Injured Workers. (Note: Cardamone Law University/CLU is a nickname for our law firm's podcast series- it is not a University or College/School. All podcasts are free to listen to and share) One of Pennsylvania's Top Work Comp Lawyers, Michael Cardamone of Cardamone Law, discusses Pennsylvania Work Comp in simple, easy to understand terms.
Three Important Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Tips For Injured Workers
In this podcast, listen to Super Lawyer Attorney Cardamone explain three critical tips for injured workers in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation cases. Best Philadelphia Work Comp Law Firm.
Referrals for Non Work Comp Cases In Pennsylvania- Let Us Refer You!
In our latest podcast from Cardamone Law University, listen to Attorney Cardamone discuss what types of non work comp legal matters you may come across and why it's better for us to refer you, than calling a firm on TV or just blindly googling a law firm. We have the connections and know who are the true heavy hitters, versus what firms are full of hot air.
3 Critical Tips For Injured Workers In Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Cases
Listen to top Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Attorney, Michael W. Cardamone, owner of Cardamone Law, LLC, a boutique firm for injured workers, speak about three highly critical tips for injured workers after sustaining a work-related injury.
Heart and Lung Act in Pennsylvania and Overlap with Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Listen to Attorney Cardamone discuss the Heart and Lung Act in Pennsylvania and how it overlaps with Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law.
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Appeals Process
Can you appeal a Decision from a Work Comp Judge? How? How long do you have? What are the grounds for appeal? Listen to one of Pennsylvania's top Work Comp Attorneys discuss Pennsylvania Work Comp Appeals.
Petition to Review Injury Description in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Listen to Attorney Cardamone discuss what a Petition to Review is in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation, why such a petition would be filed, when, etc.
Resignation from Employment and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Settlements
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation in Plain English for Injured Workers. (Note: Cardamone Law University/CLU is a nickname for our law firm's podcast series- it is not a University or College/School. All podcasts are free to listen to and share) One of Pennsylvania's Top Work Comp Lawyers, Michael Cardamone of Cardamone Law, discusses Pennsylvania Work Comp in simple, easy to understand terms.
How Do I Pay My Lawyer In A Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Case?
Listen to experienced Pennsylvania Work Comp Attorney, Michael W. Cardamone, managing partner of Cardamone Law, LLC, speak about how payment works in a Pennsylvania Work Comp case. This is a huge topic and there is so much bad information out there which ends up hurting injured workers because many don't realize that they can lawyer up without having any money.
Petition to Modify and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation in Plain English for Injured Workers.
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Jurisdiction- Can I Bring My Case In Pennsylvania If I Was Hurt In Another State? by Cardamone Law University
In this latest episode of Cardamone Law University, one of Philadelphia's Best Work Comp Lawyers discusses jurisdiction in Pennsylvania Work Comp cases. Listen to Attorney Cardamone explain when you can bring a case in Pennsylvania for a work injury. Best Philadelphia Work Comp Attorneys
Cardamone Law Firm News Winter 2022
Taking a break from the usual legal issues regarding Pennsylvania Work Comp, and instead, we discuss firm news in this episode.Best Pennsylvania Injury Lawyers
Petition to Terminate in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Cases
In today’s podcast, workers compensation lawyer, Michael Cardamone will discuss the termination petition in Pennsylvania. A petition to terminate is filed by the employer when it is believed that the injured worker is fully recovered from the work injury. Michael explains what you need to do when you receive a termination petition for a PA Workers’ compensation case.
Pennsylvania Work Comp Utilization Review Process Regarding Medical Treatment
In today's podcast, workers compensation lawyer, Michael Cardamone will discuss the Pennsylvania Work Comp utilization review process in the light of medical treatment. Whether you are someone who is considering PA Work comp utilization review or looking for the best workers compensation attorney, plug-in your headphones and listen to the podcast.
Pennsylvania Work Comp- Notice and Statute of Limitations Deadlines
Attorney Cardamone, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer in Workers' Compensation…, explains two key time frames for injured workers- the Notice deadline and the deadline for filing a Claim Petition for benefits after a work injury.
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation and Medicare Set Asides
Listen to Attorney Cardamone explain how Medicare Set Asides work in Pennsylvania Work Comp cases.
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation LIBC Employment Verification Forms
What is LIBC employment verification form? For Pennsylvania workers' compensation workers, it is important to fill the employment verification forms right. In today's podcast, Michael Cardamone, President of Cardamone Law, LLC, explains the importance of LIBC employment verification forms.
Hearing Attendance at a Pennsylvania Work Comp Hearing
Listen to Pennsylvania Work Comp Lawyer Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law, LLC, discuss when and whether you need to attend a Work Comp hearing in your case.
Social Media and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Listen to Michael W. Cardamone, President of Cardamone Law, LLC, a unique Work Comp boutique firm for injured workers, speak about Social Media and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation cases.
Do I Get a Work Comp Check If I Earn Less Money After a Pennsylvania Work Comp Injury and How Is It Calculated?
Listen to one of Pennsylvania's best Workers' Comp Lawyers, Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law, LLC, discuss how you should be paid if you start earning less money after a work injury, and due to the work injury, and how the calculation works.
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation and the confusing Notice of Temporary Compensation Payable
Listen to this informative podcast from one of Pennsylvania's leading Work Comp Lawyers for injured workers, Michael W. Cardamone, of Cardamone Law, discuss the confusing document known as a Notice of Temporary Compensation Payable- what it means and what to look out for.
Assessing Credibility of Witness in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Listen to this short, but very meaningful, podcast from a leading Pennsylvania Work Comp Attorney, Michael W. Cardamone, discussing credibility of a witness in Pennsylvania Work Comp cases.
Pennsylvania Work Comp Hearings in the Covid Era and Beyond
Listen to Attorney Cardamone explain how Pennsylvania Work Comp hearings have been handled since Covid, and what to expect as the pandemic winds down.
What a Headache! Unpaid Medical Bills and Pennsylvania Work Comp
Listen to Attorney Cardamone of Cardamone Law, LLC, explain what to do with the headache of unpaid medical bills in a Pennsylvania Work Comp case.
Social Security Disability and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Can I apply for Social Security Disability if I'm on Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation? Listen to this podcast from a leading Pennsylvania Work Comp Attorney, Michael Cardamone, President of Cardamone Law, LLC.
Pennsylvania Work Comp Vocational Earning Assessment/Labor Market Survey
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation in Plain English for Injured Workers. (Note: Cardamone Law University/CLU is a nickname for our law firm's podcast series- it is not a University or College/School.
Independent Medical Exams in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation cases
Pennsylvania's leading Workers' Compensation Attorney, Michael Cardamone explains the importance of independent medical exams in PA Work comp cases. Listen to the podcast!
What Does Supersedeas Mean in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation?
An explanation of Supersedeas in Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation from one of Pennsylvania's top Work Comp Attorneys, Michael W. Cardamone from Cardamone Law, LLC
Well My Neighbor Hurt His Back And Got $150,000, So Why Don't I?
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Top Lawyer Michael Cardamone of Cardamone Law, LLC speaks about why every case is different why relying on what a neighbor or co worker received in their case is a waste of time.
Survival During Pennsylvania Work Comp Litigation
Listen to Attorney Michael Cardamone explain the process of Pennsylvania Work Comp and when to expect a decision and the financial issues involved.
Can I Find a New Job If I'm on Workers' Compensation?
Find out an important tip from Attorney Michael Cardamone- one of Pennsylvania's best Work Comp Attorneys for injured workers
Pain and Suffering and Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation
Listen to Attorney Michael Cardamone explain the pain and suffering damages and compensation for Pennsylvania Workers.
Cardamone Law Spring 2021 Update
Host Tommy Smallwood and Attorney Michael W. Cardamone of Cardamone Law speak about firm updates and Workers' Compensation cases.
Cardamone Law Winter 2021 Update
Tune in to hear hosts Thomas Smallwood and Michael Cardamone discuss news about Cardamone Law- a unique Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Firm for Injured Workers.
Cardamone Law University
Getting to Know Michael W. Cardamone on a personal level
Cardamone Law University- Pennsylvania Work Comp Basics
In this episode we discuss basics about Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law with Claimant's Attorney Michael W. Cardamone, owner of the boutique Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law Firm, Cardamone Law, LLC.
Cardamone Law University
Pennsylvania Work Comp Procedures in context of Coronavirus Case.